Publix Bucket Drop on March 27 & 28

RL Stevenson Fundraising Group is happy to announce the 1st Publix Bucket Drop. What is a bucket drop? A bucket drop is a way for a non-profit to collect funds right outside the exit door of Publix. Just bring a chair and your child/children. Everything else needed will be on site. Why do we need a Bucket Drop? The PVFO is always looking for new business sponsors/donors. What better way to connect with potential sponsors/donors than outside the market? Who knows, you might even see other Stevenson Families during the event! Bring your children and show your support for the programs at Stevenson. Children in their uniforms would complete the visual to encourage maximum donations. Please remember parents must stay with children. Dates: March 27 and 28, 2021 Location: Publix 1850 N. Courtenay (next to Divine Mercy) Times: 7am -7pm (In three-hour time slots) Please use the Sign-up Genius below to pick the slot/slots you are available to support this fundraising event. RL Stevenson PVFO: Publix Bucket...
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RLS PVFO Fundraising Event! BJ's Wholesale Membership Event to benefit our school. See details below. NEW MEMBERSHIP LIMITED TIME OFFER New Membership Offer-Expires 11/30/2020$25/12 months for a New Inner Circle (IC) Membership$50/12 months for New Rewards Membership Renewing Membership Offer-Expires 11/30/2020$40/13 months for renewal of Inner Circle Membership$80/13 months for renewal of Rewards Membership $5.00 FOR EVERY NEW AND RENEWED MEMBERSHIPWILL GO TO STEVENSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO TAKE ADVANTAGEOF THIS SPECIAL OFFER, PLEASE COMPLETEATTACHED MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION AND RETURN TO: Dorothy Sloan-GrippSchool Secretary Stevenson Elementary 321-454-3550 Ext. 51803 Link to Application ...
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Buy Tickets Online Now for the Masquerade Gala!

If you plan on attending The Masquerade Gala this year, tickets are on sale for $60 per person. Tickets are available for purchase online. Follow the link below to buy your tickets today! The Gala is a great way to support RLS, have an ‘adult’ night out and have a chance to bid on some exquisite items. The Masquerade Gala is also a great opportunity to dress in theme for the event with your Venetian masks and the like. (Helpful Hint: full costumes, masks and masquerade accessories will be on sale later on this week after Halloween!)   BONUS: Buy your tickets now and enter our lucky drawing.  2 Gala attendees will be drawn for 2 free tickets (Winners get their tickets for free or bring a guest for free). A maximum sale of 50 tickets necessary before drawing. Tickets already bought qualify to enter the drawing. Please contact Rania Dounos ( Please note: Due to planning purposes, all ticket sales are final and...
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October – National Bullying Prevention Month

During the week of October 21st we will celebrate being drug and bully free at Stevenson.  Messages supporting the below themes will be shared on the announcements and students are asked to participate by: Monday October 21st ~ "Turn Their Back on Drugs and Bullying" by wearing their uniform shirt backwards. Tuesday October 22nd ~ "Tip Your Hats to Kindness" by wearing a hat. Wednesday October  23rd ~ Wear a solid red shirt with your uniform bottoms to support Red Ribbon Week. Thursday October 24th ~ Wear a solid purple shirt with your uniform bottoms to support Bully Prevention Month. Friday October 25th ~ "Sock It To Drugs and Bullying!" by wearing crazy socks with your uniform....
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T-Shirt Design Contest

Calling all CREATORS, ARTISTS, DESIGNERS, STUDENTS, PARENTS, TEACHERS, and ANYONE ELSE; RLS is going to have its first ever SPIRIT SHIRTS design contest. Anyone can enter (EVEN PARENTS). The contest will begin NOW and end October 25th. Mrs. Fleeger and Mrs. Vanderpool will judge the designs and narrow down the entries to their favorite 5. A survey will be created of the top 5 picks and be sent out for the week of October 28 – 31 where you will get the chance to vote on your favorite design. The winner will have their art displayed on 2019 – 2020 Spirit Shirt! Deadline: October 25, 2019 Winner will be announced November 1, 2019 Here are the rules: Design will appear on the back of the shirt, in color and may not exceed 11” wide by 12” high. You may enter 2 designs MAX. The design must include something to do with Kindness and THE ARTS. Please specify the color shirt you feel your...
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