Calling all CREATORS, ARTISTS, DESIGNERS, STUDENTS, PARENTS, TEACHERS, and ANYONE ELSE; RLS is going to have its first ever SPIRIT SHIRTS design contest. Anyone can enter (EVEN PARENTS). The contest will begin NOW and end October 25th. Mrs. Fleeger and Mrs. Vanderpool will judge the designs and narrow down the entries to their favorite 5. A survey will be created of the top 5 picks and be sent out for the week of October 28 – 31 where you will get the chance to vote on your favorite design. The winner will have their art displayed on 2019 – 2020 Spirit Shirt!

Deadline: October 25, 2019

Winner will be announced November 1, 2019

Here are the rules:

  1. Design will appear on the back of the shirt, in color and may not exceed 11” wide by 12” high.
  2. You may enter 2 designs MAX.
  3. The design must include something to do with Kindness and THE ARTS. Please specify the color shirt you feel your design will look best on.
  4. Your design must be wholly original. By submitting a design you are guaranteeing that you hold rights to everything in it and that it does not contain any copyright material.
  5. All designs are welcomed but if at all possible, please create your artwork in Photoshop, Illustrator or another professional design program. Submit entries as medium resolution JPEG or pdf files. Please be prepared to submit the original Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop file in case your artwork is chosen. Design must be easy to reproduce by silkscreen. We reserve the right to make adjustments to the winning design.
  6. Entries must be received before October 25th and sent to
  7. All entry emails should have the subject line “T-shirt Design Contest”.
  8. Include your name (student or parent depending on who designed it), telephone number, and teacher name/grade.
  9. All entries become the property of RLS.

We will be announcing the winner on November 1, 2019. By submitting this contest you are agreeing to all contest rules.

The winner will also receive a free shirt/shirts.

We can’t wait to see the talent our RLS family possess!!!